Fast Background


The 40 Day Miracle involves abstaining from or counteracting the 7 deadly sins for a period of 40 days.  These 7 sins have long been recognized by the church as the 7 basic human behaviors and emotions that cause most of our destruction and spiritual downfall.

The Daily Proclamation sums up The 40 Day Miracle.
40 is the Biblical number of major change and preparation for destiny.

? To prepare for the new world it rained for 40 days and 40 nights
? After the rain stopped, Noah waited 40 days to open the Ark window
? Embalming required 40 days
? Moses stayed on the mountain 40 days (TWICE);
   his face shone afterwards
? The spies spent 40 days searching out the Promised Land
? Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness before the Promised Land
? Goliath challenged for 40 days before being killed by David
? Elijah strengthened by one angelic meal went 40 days to Mt. Horeb
? Jonah warned Nineveh they had 40 days till God overthrew the city
? Jesus fasted and was tempted 40 days in the wilderness
? Jesus was seen in the earth 40 days after His crucifixion

Often when God wanted to prepare someone for a truly great destiny, He took 40 days and sent them through an experience somewhat unpleasant to the flesh.

We all deal with the 7 deadly sins but rarely is there an organized program to specifically give us the power to conquer them and take our lives to a new level.  If we examine our lives closely, we will see that virtually all of our misery and unhappiness results from one or more of these 7 deadly sins.  If you don't think so, then listen to the seven messages and you will see how they are involved in our pain.

When you can conquer something for 40 days, you will have the power and the knowledge to conquer it forever.

After you read over The 40 Day Miracle and Discover what it is and Decide that you want to Do this, you must listen to the audio messages concerning the seven areas and the specifics of each.  The audio messages are free as is The 40 Day Miracle.  More accurately, we don't charge you anything.  You must pay the price of disciplining yourself.

There are a total of seven messages.  Each message is around 20 minutes long but each message provides a wealth of information and inspiration to equip you to not only get through the 40 days but far beyond and to understand why you are doing each of the seven.